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What is panchang?

We all have heard of the panchang that has been used since time immemorial. Panchang is a report that comprises the placement of the five angas or elements of any day, viz., naal, tithi, nakshatram, yogam and karanam.

Do I need to know about astrology to use ePanchang?

Not at all. The usual panchang cannot be understood by people without a basic knowledge of astrology. To address this problem, ePanchang was introduced, which could be easily used by anyone, even without a basic understanding of astrology. Essentially, ePanchang is a precise tool that could be used by anyone, to make informed decisions on important events of their daily life.

What does panchang provide me?

ePanchang provides you advice on dates for five different categorization, viz., Business, Health, Travel, Asset and Auspicious , apart from a General category. For example, you may use ePanchang to decide a date for your newborn’s naming ceremony, deciding on a date to start your new business, conduct an major medical operation, purchase a new car or house.

Why is panchang good for you?

ePanchang results will be more appropriate than the general panchang for making decisions, because ePanchang makes its suggestions based on your place, date and time of birth, making a panchang, customized, just for you.

Will it work for a person in Mexico, Italy or Australia?

Definitely. Wherever you are placed in the world, you will get suggestions appropriate to your location.

What is Rahukaalam?

Rahukaalam is a specific period of time every day, which changes every day of week, but happens with regularity. This period is considered inauspicious for any new activity. Some say it is only bad when you begin a journey during rahukaalam.

Is astrology reliable?

Astrology may be a pseudo-science, as the critics prefer to call it, but it is obviously true to most of the people who study it. The fact remains that astrology is not properly understood as it is a very complex science. Even after years and years of study it may still leave you feeling that you have to study more to master it.

What is Yamagandam?

Yamagandam is a specific period of time every day, which changes every day of week, but happens with regularity. This period is considered inauspicious for any new activity. Any activity started during this time, may result in unfavourable outcome of the activity.

What is Gulika kalam?

Gulikakalam is a specific period of time every day, which changes every day of week, but happens with regularity. It is believed that any activity carried out during Gulika kalam will be repeated again and again. So it could be deemed auspicious for starting activities that you want to repeat, like building a house, buying assets or vehicles. For obvious reasons, performing a marriage or taking the dead to the burial ground during this time is not considered good.

What is Soolam?

Soolam is a direction, in which travel has to be avoided, on that particular day of the week. For every day of the week, there is a soolam direction. One is to avoid all journey in the direction of soolam day. Day is generally calculated from sunrise to the next day sunrise.
Frequently asked questions about What is Panchangam and How to calculate Horoscope are answered in ePanchang; users can clarify all their queries here

What is Panchangam


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