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FAQ - Match Making

What if I do not know my date and time of birth?

This is a common question. Generally, people who do not know their date and time of birth, usually remember their rasi and nakshatra. If you know this, it is easy to get your jathagam matching report through the rasi nakshatra porutham.

Does ePanchang tell me if I should proceed with the marriage?

No, ePanchang does not explicitly tell you if you should proceed with the marriage. But, it does tell you how many poruthams match and how many do not. It is up to individuals and families to decide if they want to go ahead with the porutham results. Ultimately, it is destiny that decides one way or the other.

How many jathaga poruthams matching report can I take?

Right now, you can take as may jathaga porutham reports as you want. However, in future, the numbers may be limited to a specific number per month.


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