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Nadi Porutham

Nadi Porutham
Nadi Porutham

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Check your Horoscope for Nadi-Porutham

What is Nadi Porutham?

This porutham is an important porutham that indicates longevity and a happy married life. The 27 stars are divided into three groups for this porutham. They are left-parsva nadi, madhyama nadi and right parsva nadi.

The Nadi Porutham Table

Left Parsva nadi

Stars in the left parsva naadi are Krithigai, Rohini, Aayilyam, Magam, Swathi, Visakam, Uthiradam, Thiruvonam, Revathi.

Madhyama nadi

Stars or asterisms in the madhyama naadi are Bharani, Mrigasirsham, Poosam, Pooram, Chithirai, Anusham, Pooraadam, Avittam, Uthirattathi

Right Parsva aadi

Asterisms in the right parsva nadi are Aswini, Thiruvadirai, Punarpoosam, Uthiram, Hastham, Kettai, Moolam, Sadhayam and Poorattadhi

Nadi porutham online

Some people keep looking for nadi porutham online as an individual porutham. It is but just one of the 10 or 12 poruthams that are compared with two horoscopes before they are matched and the recommendations given.

Nadi porutham checking

Similar to rajju, nadi porutham is said to be present, if the boy and the girl's nakshatra belong to the different group. If according to the male and female horoscope, both the stars fall in the same nadi, they are said to be not matching; otherwise they are matching.

Nadi porutham remedy

Is there a remedy if the horoscopes do not match? The experts do not agree. At the same time, we have to put our faith in God and pray with all our might and hope for the best. Almost all of them, however agree that praying to Hanuman will reduce the effects of the planets in transit. But, the rules are written by our ancient sages; it is better to check maximum poruthams before deciding on wedlock.

This is an important match that is being looked for. This match is being looked for to denote the matching between the blood groups of the male and female. puthra Bakkiyam for the couples having this match is confirmed.

In general Nadi is divided into three divisions. If both male and female belong to the same Nadi then this match is not full filled. And if both Male and female are of different Nadi then this match is full filled.

ePanchang calculates Nadi Porutham as part of Free Horoscope Matching service and provides Nadi Porutham compatibility for the boy and girl based on Tamil Astrology Porutham

Nadi Porutham

Nadi Porutham