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Rasi in Jathagam

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During the course of a day to a viewer on a fixed point on earth, due to the earth’s rotary movement the stars and their groups unfold in a circle, whose 360 degrees are divided into twelve segments. Each is termed a sign of the Zodiac. These are the twelve signs-ranging from Aries at the start to Pisces at the end. In Indian astrology they are referred to as MEsha, Rishaba, Mithuna,… and so on, ending with Kumbha and Meena.

thirumana porutham
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Today Panchangam

Tithi : Chaturdasi -16.09.2024,15:11 to 17.09.2024,11:45, Followed,By, Pournami
Nakshatra : Sathayam -16.09.2024,16:34 to 17.09.2024,13:54, Followed,By, Pooratathi

Get auspicious time for Marriage,Upanayanam,Betrothal,Seemantham,
Grihapravesam,Education Business,travel,health,asset.

Rasi Chart in Tamil

This Rasi chart is Tamil is the drawing of the placement of the planets at the time of the birth of an individual. In the southern part of India, the casting of the chart is in a rectangular fashion, while the northern part of India casts the chart in a diamond shape.

The rasi chart has 12 squares, each of which represents one of the 12 rasis of the zodiac. Starting from Mesha, at the second square from top left, the rasis are counted in the clockwise direction, one rasi in each square, till the final Meena rasi.

At any point of the day, each of the planets are positioned in one of the rasis. The rasi chart is thus drawn with the planets positioned in the appropriate rasi at the time of birth of an individual.

The planetary positions of a day will indicate the rasi at which the planets are positioned.

Rasi at the time of birth

The position of Moon in the zodiac, will determine the rasi of the baby. At the time of birth, if the Moon is in Dhanu Rasi, then the baby is deemed to be of Dhanu Rasi.

Lagna at the time of birth

The ascendant sign at the time of birth is called the Lagna. If the Meena rasi is the rasi that is rising at the time of the birth then the baby's lagna is deemed to be Meena lagna.

The 12 houses

Each of the rasi's houses, counting to 12, represent one aspect of the individual's life. For example, the first house represents the basic self and dignity, with the following aspects of the individual such as ambitions, character, fame, health, longevity, vigour, dignity, head, heart and personality. Similarly, the others.

Nakshatra Padham

Each of the 27 nakshatras fall into one or more of the 12 rasis of the rasi chart. Each rasi consists of 2 and 1 quarter nakshatra. So, to start with, the Mesha rasi will consist of Aswini (4 padhams), Bharani (4 padhams) and Karthigai (1 padham). Vrishaba rasi represents Karthigai (3 padhams), Rohini (4 padhams) and Mrigashirsham (2 padhams). This continues till the 27th nakshatra Revathi (4 padham), which falls under Meena rasi, along with Poorattathi (1 padham), Uthirattathi (4 padhams).

Thus, the rasi chart is the entire representation of the human life, right from birth to the last breath in this world.

ePanchang provides Rasi Chart in Tamil and has a free Online Rasi Calculator; using this, users can find their Rashi Chart online based on their Birth details

Rasi Chart in Tamil