Dasa Bhukti Chart

Know about dasa bhukti chart: astrological guidance for auspicious arrangements

At the time of birth dasa bhukti chart is used for the determination of Bhukti and Mahadasha. Dasa bhukti chart is all about the planetary periods that reveal about planets that are ruling at the particular time. The placement of planets is used as the indication of bad or good effects. These planets create their obvious appearance according to position of moon (Rashi), Drishti (aspects), Raja Yoga or Yoga (combinations), Bhava (house). The effects of lord Dasa can be seen through the Dasa bhukti chart as these are indicated through different variables such as planetary strength and house strength by use of dasha bhukti calculators.

Know about dasa bhukti chart periods

For a particular period the major factor is to decide the course of life by reading dasa bhukti chart. Some of the charts give prediction for current bhukti while others give for whole life period as general sketch for the rest of your life periods. An astrologer can also undertake this job as per his desire while it also depends upon your preferences. According to dasha bhukti phala whenever auspicious results are produced by planets then it is based on the shadbala of the planet. Dasa bhukti chart will show good results if planets have moderate or full strength. In any of the case of bad results, the weak planets can make planets to be worse while strong planets can reduce effects of bad ones.

Know about Vimshottari dasha

In Vedic astrology vishottaro Dasha is one of the important dasa that is based on maximum life span of an individual. dasa bhukti chart has linked vishottari dasha to systems of the lunar and Nakshtras by the fact that each nakshatra is the ruler with position of the moon of 27 nakshatra together. As a life time based dasa bhukti chart is mainly used as the predications of the events that was devised by the ancient maharishis on various dasa systems like kalacharka dasa, yogini dasa and vimshottari dasa. dasa bhukti chart and systems are widely used and accepted among the Indian astrologers. Vimshottari dasa readings or charts can be good astrological guidance workings as proper advices as the perfect time to decide about the important matters in life like marriage, health, children and about profession.

Online sources and convenience for people

 You should also know that each mahadasa bhukti period is mainly sub divided into planetary periods and these are called as the bhukti or Antra dasa. Every antra dasa is further more divided into the paryantra dasa that runs in same proportional length of the Mahadasa. Many of the online sites with the professional dasa bhukti chart interpretations are available to facilitate you with indications of bad and good effects while as you may know that these indications depends upon the planetary periods. You can also take guidance of online dasa bhukti chart as these are proved to bring very relevant source of information for you that can be related to your current events and even about future interpretations.

Dasa Bhukti Chart

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